Introduction to 10Duke SysAdmin

10Duke SysAdmin is the tool used by the system administrators of a deployed 10Duke Enterprise system to define the product configuration, manage identities, connect applications, and grant licenses.

You can use SysAdmin to:

Some of these features are also available in 10Duke OrgAdmin, where organization administrators can manage their organization’s purchased licenses, users, and device clients.

Below you find a quick walkthrough of the SysAdmin tool.

Access SysAdmin

To access SysAdmin, you need a 10Duke Enterprise user account with system administrator access rights.

Go to the SysAdmin URL of your 10Duke Enterprise installation:

https://<your 10Duke Enterprise instance>/sysadmin

How you sign up and log in depends on how user authentication has been implemented for your company’s 10Duke Enterprise installation. User authentication can be done, for example, by using the 10Duke Login Application component, social login, or an integration to a third-party system, such as your CRM.

When you log in to SysAdmin, you first come to the home page.

Use the sidebar navigation on the left to navigate to the different SysAdmin features. To hide and show the sidebar, click the arrow icon in the top toolbar.

In the top toolbar on the right, you can access your profile settings, navigate to the product documentation site, and log out from SysAdmin.

The home page can be configured to show the same summary cards as the Identity dashboard. Contact the 10Duke Integration Support team for a configuration change.

Data tables

When you view information in tables in the different SysAdmin sections, the tables provide some common features.

  • Select which columns to show in the table. Click Columns and select the columns you want.

  • Sort the table by column. Click the double arrow icon next to a column title to change the sorting order.

  • Search the table content per column. Enter text in a search field below the column title and the table is updated automatically.

  • On some pages, you can select several items in the table, and clear all selections by clicking Clear selection.

  • Use the pagination options below the table to browse longer tables.

    • In the menu, select how many items are shown on one table page.

    • Click the page numbers or arrow icons to move between the table pages.

Unique IDs

When you create items in the SysAdmin, for example, a new product package or a new organization, the system generates a unique ID for the item. The unique ID is needed in API communications, for example, in request parameters when calling 10Duke API endpoints.

For many types of items, you can copy the unique ID in SysAdmin: there’s either a copy button in the table view or an ID field in the item’s details.

Technical requirements and limitations

  • The availability of some SysAdmin features depends on your system configuration. This means that the documentation may describe features or options that you don’t see in SysAdmin. Contact the 10Duke Integration Support team if needed.

  • All displayed times are in UTC time.

  • In all SysAdmin fields, the maximum value length is 2048 characters.