Manage licenses and entitlements
Grant and manage your customers’ licenses in 10Duke SysAdmin: the organization licenses of your company customers and the personal licenses of your consumer customers.
You view and manage licenses from two angles: through transactions and through entitlements.
Under Transactions, you handle all tasks related to granting licenses and making changes to them.
View an organization’s or user’s transactions here, and view the licenses granted with each transaction.
Create new transactions to grant new licenses. Update existing transactions to make changes to licenses, or to grant new licenses or delete licenses within the same transaction. Revoke licenses by suspending a whole transaction if needed.
Under Entitlements, you handle all tasks related to accessing and consuming licenses.
View an organization’s or user’s entitlements here, and the licenses stored in each entitlement.
Create and manage the entitlements, and in the case of organization licenses, manage group access to entitlements, manage seat reservations, and download license tokens.
Note: Using the transaction-based SysAdmin features requires that all licenses in your deployment are associated with transactions. The features must be enabled in your deployment configuration. Contact the 10Duke Integration Support team for a configuration change and a possible data migration.
If you continue to provision licenses in your deployment in a way that doesn’t create transactions for licenses, like using an event-based integration or the Graph API, the legacy UI that doesn’t use transactions must be enabled in your deployment.
You can also use the 10Duke Entitlement Management REST API to grant licenses using transactions, and to manage organization entitlements and group access to them.
View transactions and the licenses granted with them
Under Transactions, you can view all the transactions for a selected organization or user. Drill down into a particular transaction to see what transaction items it contains, and what licenses each transaction item granted.
To view an organization’s or user’s transactions and licenses:
In the left sidebar, go to LICENSES > either Organization or Personal.
Search and select the organization or user, and click Confirm.
Go to the Transactions tab. The transactions table opens.
The table shows each transaction’s status (active or suspended) and key details such as external IDs.
Select a transaction.
The Details tab opens below the table, showing the transaction’s details.
Go to the Transaction items and licenses tab.
The tab shows the transaction items included in this transaction, and the granted licenses grouped by transaction item.
For each transaction item, the table shows details such as the product package that was used to grant the licenses, and the product package quantity used.
To view the license properties of a transaction item’s licenses, select the transaction item and select Actions > View properties.
See more about defining the license settings and properties in a transaction item when granting licenses.
Open a transaction item to view the licenses granted with it (click the arrow to expand the row).
The table shows details about each license:
An icon indicating the license status, such as whether the license is valid, about to expire, or already expired.
Whether the license is active, which licensed item the license gives access to, the entitlement where the license is stored, and when the license is valid.
The license’s credit, depending on the type of credit available: with seat credit, the seats in use (being consumed or reserved) and the total number of seats granted; with use count or use time credit, the amount consumed and the total amount granted.
A possible lock scope, and what software versions the license gives access to.
Note: The license model associated with a license determines whether the defined credit, lock scope, and version restrictions are applied to the consumption of the license.
See more
Make changes to the licenses in existing transactions
Revoke licenses, for example, by suspending or deleting them
View entitlements and the licenses in them
For an organization, under Entitlements you can view the organization’s entitlements and the licenses that each entitlement contains. In the case of personal licenses, a user only has one entitlement that contains all their licenses.
To view entitlements and the licenses each entitlement contains:
In the left sidebar, go to LICENSES > either Organization or Personal.
Search and select the organization or user, and click Confirm.
Go to the Entitlements tab. The entitlements table opens.
For an organization, the table indicates which one is the organization’s default entitlement.
A red icon next to an entitlement indicates that it contains expired or suspended licenses, or licenses that will expire soon.
Select an entitlement to view the licenses in it.
The Licenses tab opens below the table, showing details about each license:
An icon indicating the license status, such as whether the license is valid, about to expire, or already expired.
Whether the license is active, which licensed item the license gives access to, the product package that was used to grant the license, and when the license is valid.
The license’s credit, depending on the type of credit available: with seat credit, the seats in use (being consumed or reserved) and the total number of seats granted; with use count or use time credit, the amount consumed and the total amount granted.
A possible lock scope, and what software versions the license gives access to.
To view the license properties of a license, select the license and select Actions > View properties.
See more about defining the license settings and properties when granting licenses.
Note: The license model associated with a license determines whether the defined credit, lock scope, and version restrictions are applied to the consumption of the license.
In the case of an organization, go to the Authorized consumers tab to view which groups have access to this entitlement’s licenses.
See more
Create and manage entitlements, including moving organization licenses between entitlements and changing the organization’s default entitlement
Authorize user groups and device client groups to access organization licenses
Reserve seats from organization licenses to users and device clients
Download organization licenses (license tokens)
Release seats that are currently being consumed by ending the lease