UI look and feel customization

These articles provide information on the customizations that can be made to the look and feel of 10Duke Login Application and 10Duke OrgAdmin.

In many cases, the basic customization options are enough to apply your own brand to the UI, for example, your logo and brand colors. The advanced customization options allow more detailed changes to the visual style and effects when needed. If these options are not sufficient for your needs, a custom (S)CSS can be appended to the build to override the UI styles.

In both UI applications, the UI texts can also be fully customized to match your company and product terminology. No new text elements can be added, but every existing piece of text in the UI can be overridden. The customization is done through the UI language files—see more on UI localization.

Both UI applications use Bootstrap Syntactically Awesome Stylesheet (Sass) assets. The Login Application supports Bootstrap 4 and OrgAdmin supports Bootstrap 5.

Many of the Bootstrap Sass variables are available for customization, but the styles have been extended, and some have fixed values. The UI applications also provide some custom variables to help with branding. See the full list of variables in Bootstrap documentation. Note that some of these cannot be customized in the UI applications.

Customization work is done by 10Duke based on your requirements. Contact the 10Duke Integration Support team to discuss the changes you want.

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