UI localization

The UI texts in the 10Duke Login Application, 10Duke My Licenses, and 10Duke OrgAdmin are fully localizable.

The UI texts can also be customized as needed through the localization files. Note that if any customizations are made, for example, the default UI texts are changed, you’re also responsible for providing the corresponding translations.

In addition, if you have localized the display names of your licensed items, OrgAdmin also shows these in the user’s language.

Languages available

The UI applications provide the default UI texts translated into 14 languages (language and region codes indicated below):

  • Czech (cs, cs-cz)

  • Danish (da, da-dk)

  • Dutch (nl, nl-nl)

  • English, American (en, en-us)

  • English, British (en-gb)

  • Finnish (fi, fi-fi)

  • French (fr, fr-fr)

  • German (de, de-de)

  • Italian (it, it-it)

  • Norwegian (nb, no, nb-no, no-no)

  • Portuguese (pt, pt-pt)

  • Slovak (sk, sk-sk)

  • Spanish (es, es-es)

  • Swedish (sv, sv-se)

You can choose which of the available languages you want to provide in your UIs.

New languages can also be added to the UI applications according to your needs. 10Duke provides a translation service with a translation partner. If you prefer to handle the translation work yourself, 10Duke will provide you with the resource files for translation.

For more information, contact the 10Duke Integration Support team.

Note: If you’re providing a localized UI in multiple languages, make sure you provide an overriding text in all the available languages.

Language selection

The UI applications provide configurable ways for the end user to request the UI in a specific language.

In OrgAdmin, language selection works as follows:

  1. Firstly, the locale can be provided as part of the URL: /<locale>/orgadmin. OrgAdmin tries to find the best possible match for the locale from the available language options.

    If you’re allowing end users to switch their UI language in Orgadmin, the locale is written both in the URL and the browser memory.

  2. If there’s no locale in the URL but the end user has earlier selected a UI language in OrgAdmin, OrgAdmin tries to find the best possible match for it.

  3. If no language selection has been made, OrgAdmin asks the browser for a list of preferred languages and uses that to find the best possible match.

  4. If the requested locale cannot be matched, OrgAdmin shows the UI in the configured default language. If all else fails, American English is used.

In My Licenses, language selection works in the same way as in OrgAdmin. The locale in the URL is given as /<locale>/my-licenses.

In the Login Application the process is simpler: the locale can be provided in the URL (/<locale>/user/login), or the configured default language is used as a fallback. Typically the locale is added in the URL during the authentication process based on the browser’s settings, if it’s not already specified in the URL. When accessing the Login Application directly, resolving the locale based on the browser’s information is not supported.

Locale value in URL

The Login Application and OrgAdmin support International Components for Unicode (ICU) locales in <locale> in the URL which allow specifying a language code and optionally a country or region code.

The locale value can only contain lowercase characters, numbers, and a hyphen as a separator, as in en, es-mx, or es-419.

Localization configuration

The following localization features can be configured separately for the UI applications.

  • The UI languages provided to users.

    Default: The default languages available

  • The default UI language.

    Default: American English

  • Enable displaying the language selection menu to users.

    Default: Enabled in the Login Application and My Licenses, disabled in OrgAdmin

  • Additional options available for My Licenses and OrgAdmin:

    • Enable detecting the user’s preferred language based on the browser’s information.

      Default: Enabled

    • Define an external URL where OrgAdmin can retrieve UI translation files. This allows you to host and maintain the UI translations independently from the software.

For more information on the available configuration options, contact the 10Duke Integration Support team.