UI feature configuration for 10Duke OrgAdmin

The following feature configurations are available for 10Duke OrgAdmin.

General configurations

  • Which sections are available in OrgAdmin. The sections are by default accessed from the sidebar, and the configuration also controls whether the corresponding data is shown as cards on the Dashboard.

    Available by default: User groups, Users, Invitations, Licenses

    Not available by default: Device client groups, Device clients, Roles

  • Configurations for each table view, such as the user table and license table:

    • Which columns are available in a particular table and in which order. You can define which columns are hidden by default (the user can show and hide columns from the table controls) and disable any columns that should not be available at all.

    • In views that have filters for filtering the content in the table, which filters are available in a particular table and in which order. You can define which filters are applied to the table by default (the user can apply and clear filters from the table controls) and disable any filters that should not be available at all.

    • Whether any custom links are provided as action buttons above the table or in the Tools menu available on table rows.

  • What links are displayed in the user menu in the header bar, including any custom links.

  • Configurations on the following features that are available in multiple places in OrgAdmin:

    • Enable specifying the allowed software version when downloading a license.

      Default: Disabled

    • Enable releasing a license lease that a user or device client is consuming.

      Default: Disabled

Features on Dashboard

Configurations for defining which features are available on the OrgAdmin Dashboard:

Feature Enabled by default
Editing the organization’s details from the Dashboard title. x
Viewing a summary card with the organization’s details on the Dashboard. (The other cards are included automatically based on which sections are enabled in OrgAdmin.) -

Features in User groups

Configurations for defining which features are available in OrgAdmin’s User groups section:

Feature Enabled by default
Viewing a user group’s details. x
Creating a user group. x
Editing a user group. x
Deleting a user group. x
Viewing the details of an entitlement that a user group is authorized to access. x
Inviting users to a user group. x
Managing the members of user groups: adding users to groups and removing users from them. x

Features in Users

Configurations for defining which features are available in OrgAdmin’s Users section:

Feature Enabled by default
Viewing a user’s details. x
Inviting users to one or more user groups. x
Importing users without an invitation. -
Adding users to groups when importing. x
Granting and removing administrator access from the Tools menu. x
Viewing the organization’s licenses that a user can access. x
Viewing the user groups that a user belongs to. x
Viewing the roles assigned to a user. -
Suspending and reactivating a user. -
Downloading licenses (license tokens) for a user. x
Removing a user from the organization. x

Features in Device client groups

Configurations for defining which features are available in OrgAdmin’s Device client groups section:

Feature Enabled by default
Viewing a device client group’s details. x
Creating a device client group. x
Editing a device client group. x
Deleting a device client group. x
Viewing the details of an entitlement that a device client group is authorized to access. x
Inviting device clients to a device client group. x
Managing the members of device client groups: adding device clients to groups and removing device clients from them. x

Features in Device clients

Configurations for defining which features are available in OrgAdmin’s Device clients section:

Feature Enabled by default
Viewing a device client’s details. x
Editing a device client. x
Deleting a device client. x
Inviting device clients to one or more device client groups. x
Viewing the organization’s licenses that a device client can access. x
Viewing the device client groups that a device client belongs to. x

Features in Invitations

Configurations for defining which features are available in OrgAdmin’s Invitations section:

Feature Enabled by default
Viewing an invitation’s details. x
Inviting users to groups. x
Inviting device clients to groups. -
Viewing the details of an invitation’s group from the invitation table. x
Resending invitations. x
Revoking invitations. -
Deleting invitations. x

Features in Licenses

Configurations for defining which features are available in OrgAdmin’s Licenses section:

Feature Enabled by default
Viewing a license’s details. x
Viewing the details of the entitlement where a license is stored from the license table and from the license’s details. x
Using the license usage dialog for managing seat reservations, blocking and unblocking license usage, and viewing active leases for a license. Configure separately whether the features are available for users or device clients, or both. x
Using the license usage dialog features for users. x
Using the license usage dialog features for device clients. -
Downloading a license (a license token) for users. x

Features in Roles

Configurations for defining which features are available in OrgAdmin’s Roles section:

Feature Enabled by default
Viewing a role’s details. x
Creating a role. x
Editing a role. x
Deleting a role. x
Managing the members of a role: assigning roles to users and removing roles from them. x