10Duke Entitlement Management Graph API

Here are some objects that you’re likely to interact with on the graph most frequently using the 10Duke Entitlement Management Graph API.

This is by no means an exhaustive list and you can of course create new objects on the graph, but it’s meant to give you an idea of the core objects on the graph and the possible relations between them.

Entitlement model:

  • Entitlement: A collection of licenses owned by a single license owner and administered together as a single entity

  • License: A license owned by an Organization or by a Profile

  • LicensedItem: Describes a licensed item such as a feature of a software application

  • LicenseModel: Describes the terms (constraints and behaviours) for granting and consuming licenses

  • ProductPackage: A collection of LicensedItems and a LicenseModel that can be used for granting a License

  • ConsumptionConstraint: Specifies the constraints for consuming Licenses granted to a license owner

  • LicensedItemCountBehavior: Specifies the defaults for a licensed item count (seat count) in licensing operations

  • UtilizationConstraint: Specifies the license over-utilization rules

  • LeaseTimeBehavior: Specifies how short-term or long-term leases are granted to License consumers

  • LicensePoolBehavior: Specifies whether Licenses to the same LicensedItems build on a single pool, or whether they are separate licenses or license pools

  • AssignedLicenseConstraint: Allows License consumption only to Profiles with an existing license assignment

  • ConcurrentSessions: Specifies the rules for concurrent consumption of a single license seat from several license consuming devices

  • ValidityPeriodConstraint: Specifies the constraints for the validity period of granted Licenses

  • AggregateUseConstraint: Specifies the constraints for time-based License consumption

  • ScopedLicenseConstraint: Constrains License consumption to a specific scope such as a project

This diagram shows example Graph objects and object relationships:

10Duke Entitlement Management Graph API, example Graph objects and object relationships

This diagram shows example license model Graph objects and object relationships:

10Duke Entitlement Management Graph API, example License Model Graph objects and object relationships