Manage organization entitlements and licenses

In 10Duke SysAdmin, you can manage the organization entitlements and licenses of your company customers on each organization’s Entitlements page.

Learn more about organization entitlements and licenses in 10Duke Enterprise.

View an organization’s entitlements and licenses

  1. In the left sidebar, go to ENTITLEMENTS > Organization.

  2. Search and select the organization, and click Confirm.

    The organization’s entitlements table opens. The table indicates which one is the organization’s default entitlement.

    A red icon next to an entitlement indicates that it contains at least one expired license.

    See how to create and manage organization entitlements.

  3. Select an entitlement to view the licenses in it. The information opens below the table.

    The Licenses tab shows the organization’s licenses in this entitlement. For each license, the table shows:

    • An icon indicating the license status, such as whether the license is valid, about to expire, or already expired.

    • Whether the license is active, which licensed item the license gives access to, the product package that was used to grant the license, and when the license is valid.

    • The license’s credit: the seats in use (seats being consumed and reserved seats) and the total number of seats granted, and for use count and use time credit, the amount consumed and the total amount granted.

    • What software versions the license gives access to.

    • If any custom properties have been defined, you can view them from the table.

    Note: The license model associated with a license determines whether the defined credit and version restrictions are applied to the consumption of the license.

    The Authorized consumers tab lists the groups that are authorized to access this entitlement’s licenses. See how to authorize user groups and device client groups.

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